Saturday, April 01, 2006

April on Cypress Knee

Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection not in words alone;
but in every leaf in springtime. -Martin Luther
I read this quote for the first time today and identified with those words written so many years ago. Every thing in nature seems to be coming alive again. April has arrived on the swamp with warm temperatures and soft breezes. The lake is still up but there has been no sign of the ducks for several days. I am hoping they are busy nesting somewhere. I heard the hawks screaming a call to each other several times today. David saw a copperhead on the street during his run the other morning so I guess warm weather is officially here to stay. I am watching the wild pecan trees for leaves. They are the last to leaf each spring.
I had lunch with some friends at a tea room today and enjoyed visiting with the hostess. Her name is Carolyn also and she is a very talented lady and a wonderful cook. I enjoyed the meal and most of all the time spent with precious friends. As I arrived, to my delight, the lawn was covered in lavender wisteria blooms. The tree at the corner of the driveway had a large wisteria vine winding around to the top of a very tall tree and the blooms were falling like rain. It was like walking in a fairy tale! I'm looking forward to more April flowers.

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