Saturday, April 22, 2006

A Rose by any Other Name....

As I mentioned in a previous posting, my mother has a green thumb which results in a beautiful yard. She has next to her patio a rose bush that is a real beauty and she told me the name was Rio Samba(or Rio Somba not sure of spelling). Well, I decided I had to have one, so I went last spring to my local nursery and purchased the very last one they had on the lot. I watered, fed and waited with great expectation for the blooms. In case you are not familiar with that particular rose, the blooms resemble a flaming sunset, with all the red, yellow and orange that go with it. Each rose is different and breathtakingly beautiful. Imagine my surprise when my rose bloomed red. It is a really pretty rose and the blooms are large and showy, it's just not a Rio Samba!
As disappointed as I am, there is a bright side. I like the rose I have, it is disease resistant and a good bloomer, and best of all, I get to make another trip to the nursery to purchase still another rose and probably a few more plants as well!!!
I went to Jefferson, Tx today with my daughter and son-in-law to hit the antique shops. A classic car show was in progress, so we shopped minus the son-in-law. Lots of really amazing cars...much time and $$$$ spent on restoring or building them. I rescued another vintage dinette cloth (that's how I justify having all these tablecloths in my closet) and found a couple of pretty dishes. We traveled the backroads to get there and the wild flowers are worth the trip if nothing else. It was a good day.

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