Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day has been especially special this year. Friday, when I came home from work, my son-in-law and daughter had cut the grass and the yard looked so nice, but as I turned the curve into the driveway, this bed caught my eye! I have wanted a windmill for some time and they, along with dear husband got it for me and set it up in the flower bed for me to see when I came home. I was so surprised and delighted!
The only drawback is now I will have to make the flower bed larger to compensate for the size of the windmill, but that is a drawback not to me, but alas to poor husband who will have to dig it out for me! He may be sorry he ever thought of this. (He also gave me a neat cultivator tool that will come in handy when I add more plants to the bed)

As wonderful as this gift is and as much as I love it, it is not the best gift. Having my daughter and son-in-law living back in Louisiana is the best gift I could have ever received. I am blessed to have a wonderful mother myself, a wonderful mother-in-law and an wonderful daugter, husband and son-in-law. What more could I want?

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