Sunday, June 25, 2006

Sunflower Trail

"Flowers have an expression of countenance as much as men or animals. Some seem to smile; some have a sad expression; some are pensive and diffident; others are plain, honest and upright, like the broad-faced sunflower and the hollyhock". (Henry W. Beecher)

This afternoon, Dear Husband and I took a drive in the country along the Sunflower Trail. The villages of Dixie, Belcher and Gilliam are host to the most beautiful fields of sunflowers each year. The Planters along the river provide the bright, golden yellow faced flowers along the road and in the right of ways. There are acres of these beautiful summer flowers with a spot for cutting your own bouquet to take home. There is a festival that provides arts, crafts and of course, good country food. It is something I look forward to each year, and this year did not disappoint.This plain, honest flower" is one of the most beautiful and one of my favorites.

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