Saturday, September 06, 2008


It has been some time since my last post. I have many reasons, none of any consequence, but I am now a little rusty in the writing category. This year has busy, if uneventful. On July 4 we spent the weekend with my family in Mississippi once again. My cousin Beth and her husband from were visiting also. For the first time ever I think, all my sisters, neices, nephews and their children along with my family and parents were together at the same time at the same place.

We spent the holiday in the most traditional way. We visited, ate fresh sliced tomatoes, corn on the cob and banana pudding, shopped a little, played games and played with the kids. We even had some rain showers to cool off the hot southern summer day. Perfect!

Once again, I am reminded of the importance of family. No matter how long since our last gathering, we know we will always be welcome at home. We come together, warts and all, agreeing and disagreeing, laughing as well as crying, with all our likes and dislikes, and know that we will always love and be loved in this place. That is a treasure beyond worth.


  1. Oh my stars!!!! You did it... you finally posted again :) I am so excited. I haven't checked your blog since this summer and today I just got a notion to see... and you posted! Did I mention I was excited???

  2. Why have I never noticed how much they favor? Glad you're back!
