Friday, September 19, 2008

Week of Surprises

This has been an eventful week in many ways, starting with last weekend. Hurricane Ike made his way to North Louisiana and left many broken trees and power lines behind. This was probably the most scary storm I have experienced since I moved here 40 years ago. We not only lost a large tree in the front but also power for 24 hours and consider ourselves fortunate. No damage to our home or persons which is the most important thing.
The second surprise came Saturday night in the middle of the storm when my daughter and son in law came to take me to dinner for my birthday. I argued that no one in their right mind would be out on a night like that, and when we arrived at our destination, I found several of those "out of their right mind" people had gathered to wish me a surprise Happy Birthday party! Family came all the way from Mississippi to join with family & friends here to make the surprise really special and I was truly overwhelmed, in shock was more like it. Shannon and David did a wonderful job of planning and keeping the party a secret. My only regret is that I missed a whole day of visiting with my family in order to keep the surprise.
The next surprise came on my birthday Tuesday. So many of my sweet friends came by the office with cards and well wishes. The precious 3 year old daycare class came in to sing Happy Birthday to me and we had a balloon and cheesecake at Staff meeting. (I understand that calories don't count on birthdays, at least that is what they said) I was secretly hoping that the big 60 would just sorta sneak by. No such luck.
I will have to admit, all the attention did make it a little less painful. I don't feel old and am always surprised when I see myself in a picture and wonder "who is that old lady?"
I once read that one of the hardest decisions in life is when to start middle age. I think when to leave is harder. I am going to stay in the middle a little longer. I am not ready for old age just yet.
After the past 2 years, I am grateful for every day the Lord gives me and the blessing of growing old. He has also blessed me with a great family and many friends that I love dearly. I agree with the Apostle Paul, living or dying, I am blessed (my paraphrase).

An Older Aunt C

1 comment:

  1. Yeah... I wish you could've enjoyed El Chico's with us too!!! Maybe next time :) Love you!
