Saturday, October 04, 2008

Petit Jean

Guess Who ????

Vacation: a period spent away from home or business in travel or recreation that is restful.

We spent the week at a cabin in our favorite Arkansas State Park. Petit Jean is the oldest state park in Arkansas. The Lodge and several cabins were built by the CCC (Civilian Conservaton Corp) and showcase log and stone construction. The hiking trails there are the best. I once again made it to Cedar Creek Falls and back. Every year I think this will be the last time I will climb this mountain.......if I make it back up!! It is a 2 mile hike, moderate to difficult. The difficult part is the going down the mountain and then back up. Talk about an aerobic workout! The hiking trails range from 1/4 a mile to the 12 mile Boy Scouts of America Trail. David hiked the BSA trail in parts, 8 miles one day and 4 on another. (I sat on the deck and read a book)

The weather was perfect. The mornings were a very cool 50 degrees and warmed up to the lower 70's. Great for hiking. No matter how many times we visit and hike the same trails, it is a new experience each time. We always see something new and the beauty of those mountains never gets old.

With all the drama going on in the world with the financial crisis, Presidential election, and just the angst that goes along with every day living, being able to take a vacation is a blessing for sure. Even though we spent a lot of time walking and hiking, it still fit the definition of travel or recreation that is restful. Wish you could have been there!

Aunt C

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