Friday, October 16, 2009

Water, Water, Everywhere

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

This is a picture I took yesterday when I came home from work. It was through the front window,
so not so clear, but it is my front yard.

Here is another from the driveway. The past two weeks have been very wet and the past few days the skies  dropped over a foot of water in our area. The lake just couldn't empty fast enough. Good news though! The rain finally stopped Wednesday, and the sun was shining today! This is a picture taken today of the same tree the egret was standing in front of above.

Much better, don't you think? We are thankful the rain finally stopped. I couldn't help but think of our friends in the Atlanta area who were not so fortunate a few weeks ago.

The weather is cool and crisp today, really beginning to feel like fall. We are looking at temps in the 40's tonight! I have a pot of chili on for supper and I am looking forward to a beautiful SUNNY! weekend.

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