Sunday, November 01, 2009


Sunrise on North Myrtle Beach

The good thing about a vacation is getting away from the daily routine of life. The bad thing about vacation is when it ends, it's back to the daily routine of life. We had a great time in South Carolina on the beach with family and a few new friends. Me and Jonathan buds.

My favorite place: Brookgreen Gardens. They were breathtaking. Unfortunately, it was cloudy all week and the pictures don't do justice to the beauty of the beach or gardens.

The gardens were located on  9000 acres of old rice plantations. There were dozens of garden rooms, each with beautiful statues, poetry, fountains, old oaks covered with moss, flowers, wildlife, walking paths through the old rice fields and much, much more. It was one of those places that made my heart hurt with its beauty.

I only took about 250 pictures this week....don't worry, I won't post them all! I will give a peek at Wilmington, NC, and Charleston, SC on another day. Tomorrow it is back to the daily routine, but refreshed with the memories of the past week.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah, finally a tiny glimpse of what you all have been doing! Love the garden shots, wish I could've been there that one day if nothing else:(. And isn't it amazing!?, Jonathan is still alive after all these years!!! Waiting with baited breath for more.........;)
