Friday, February 12, 2010


I know to the folks who live North, West and especially East of here, snow has been plentiful this year. But to those of us here in N Louisiana, we haven't seen snow on the ground since the year 2000, so, to us, this is a BIG deal.
It began snowing yesterday morning and continued all day and night. When the temperature cooled down to below freezing last night, the snow began to accumulate and we woke to about 5" of snow this morning. I couldn't wait to get outside and take some pictures. I found the few things I have managed to learn about photography didn't apply to snow pictures. But as ususal, this didn't stop me. I snapped away. Sorry my family in Mississippi missed the snow, so these pictures are for you!

O.K., I know this is a bit much, but really, once in 10 years! Everyone in the neighborhood was outside this morning taking pictures, kids & dogs playing, and best of all......SNOW DAY from work and school!
~Just a couple more~

Hope you enjoyed winter wonderland on Cypress Knee Swamp. I want to wish my dear Mother, Happy Birthday today! Hope your day is as bright and beautiful as the snowfall. Love you dearly.


  1. Carolyn, your photos are gorgeous!

    I lived in Shreveport, during the early 60's. The last winter there, 1963, it snowed. It was like a celebration. Everyone enjoyed it so much.
    Coming from Missouri, I was used to snow, big snows, like DC is having, back in those days. It was so much fun seeing everyone enjoy that Louisiana snow, nearly 50 years ago!

  2. Wow, you did get some snow! Your photography is great. How cool is it that *snow* photos look like black and white photography with a tiny bit of color dashed in here and there:).
