Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sweet Remembrance

Finally, the jonquils are beginning to open, and I just love their sweet faces. They always remind me of our daughter Shannon's birth. She was born on February 26 and while I was in the hospital, David brought me a bouquet of jonquils and quince blooms from my yard. Ever since, these flowers just make me happy. I guess they remind me of the best things in my life, my husband and daughter. Since she is going out of town for her birthday, we had a birthday supper on tuesday. I cooked her favorite things and for dessert, her favorite cake, Red Velvet. I decided to make cupcakes instead, I had forgotten how long it actually takes to frost 24 cupcakes!

Here's our birthday girl!

When I stopped at the grocery to pick up a few things for dinner, Linda, the florist, waved me over and told me she had just marked down the tulips so I brought some home to make the occasion a little more
special. I know tulips are usually cut and arranged in a shorter container, but I really liked the way the longer stems looked in the taller vase.

I am reminded how quickly time passes when it seems like it was only yesterday I held that tiny baby in my arms and now she has grown up to be a sweet and beautiful lady. I wish you the best of days today.  
Happy Birthday Shannon, I love you dearly!


  1. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter!
    Spring already=lucky you!!!

  2. This darn slow computer! I get the words before I get the pictures. My eyes were so full of tears that by the time the pictures downloaded I could barely see them! Tell me I am not the only one in this family that bawls all the time! I love the sentiment best, but the table, the flowers(love tulips, and the cupcakes are awesome. Happy Birthday Shannon!!!!! I love you
