Saturday, March 13, 2010

Nesting Inspiration

I recently visited Pat at her Back Porch Musings blog and she was talking about nesting. She always has beautiful ideas and I guess it inspired this little post. A while back the girls in the office and I found some really good buys on spring decorations. I ordered this wreath and just loved it when it arrived. I used it as the base for a centerpiece on the table. I thought the girls in Mississippi and Florida would like to see what I came up with.

There is lots of detail including eggs, feathers, flowers, moss...all those things that say spring.

I added the birds because it just looked like they belonged there.

View from the top.

For some reason, this is the only picture I took of the whole arrangement. I used a vase filled with moss and speckled eggs in the center and I thought the summer glasses were appropriate. I was also playing with new fun are these?? I am planning to use them on the table for Easter, they just happened to sneak in today. We are planning a redo of the eating area in the near future and I will be so glad to get rid of this 80's wallpaper. I understand wallpaper is making a comeback, but I can assure you it won't be coming back into this space!

Isn't she sweet? Ok girls, time to share what you have been doing to spruce up your nest for spring.
I'll be waiting to see your pretty ideas.


  1. Again, you have topped them all! I love the placemats! Where on earth do find these things??? The wreath is so tweet;) I had a nice little conversation with the little bird and he said he loves living at your house!!! As he could only admit!!! Anyone would;)
    love you,
    lil sis

  2. Oh! Makes me want to get up and do my Spring tablescape right now.... unfortunately (or fortunately for some) I am consumed with painting at the moment :) Then off next week to the True Woman conference with Nancy Leigh DeMoss in Chattanooga! Guess my table will have to wait til I get back!!! Love you and miss you!
