Sunday, April 11, 2010


Today was a perfect day in the neighborhood as Mr. Rogers would have said. The temperature was in the low 80's with only a few cotton candy clouds in the sky, so we took ourselves for a little walk around the Norton Gallery. The Norton is a wonderful art gallery with lots of oil paintings, tapestries and an awesome collection of Remington bronzes among other things. Cameras aren't allowed inside so, alas, no pics of the art. But in addition to art, there are gardens surrounding the gallery planted with acres and acres of azaleas. They are close to peak bloom and we, along with a few hundred others, spent the afternoon outside enjoying their beauty. Here are a few pictures I selected to share with you.

This is a native azalea in the prettiest color of sherbert orange. It also has a very nice fragrance.

Beautiful beds of George Tabor pink azaleas.

Beautiful color everywhere you look like this Japanese Maple.

There is artwork scattered throughout the gardens as well.

While we walked we were serenaded by chimes hung high up in the trees.

Several pretty water features can be found in the gardens as well.

This picture gives you an idea of the scope of the gardens. They stretch across the landscape as far as you can see.

It was a lovely afternoon. My mother visited a few weeks ago before anything had started to bloom......I wish she could have been here this weekend!

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