Friday, May 21, 2010

A Stroll Through the Flowers

Yesterday afternoon we finally had a significant rainfall and I think I could hear the grass and flowers laughing and dancing! I took a stroll around this afternoon to check on things.
This is a wildflower blooming out by the driveway.
I adore this color.

Ok, I adore this color too!

Gardenia, also know as Cape Jasmine perfumes the whole garden and I love it's creamy white blooms against the dark green leaves.

Yarrow along with yellow Lantana out by the mailbox.

Angel Wing Begonia just beginning to bloom in the little conservatory built by hubby.

Shasta Daisy, a pass-along plant given to me
years ago by a co-worker.

Double File Viburnum, even after the flowers are gone,
 is still quite colorful.

All my plants seem to have gotten a late start and haven't quite performed up to their usual this year. I am not sure why, but even the lawn has been slow in coming out. Hopefully, God's water, with all the wonderful minerals and trace elements that plants love, will get everything back on schedule.

I seem to be in a rut with the pictures of flowers lately, but I love this time of year so much!  This is the best time to enjoy the garden before the heat and humidity of southern summers takes its toll.
 I will try to expand my wanderings in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Carolyn, I woke up early this morning (at 2:50 AM!), and couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to visit some of my favorite blogs. My first stop was to "stroll through your flowers," and it was such a lovely way to start my day!

    Your garden and pictures are beautiful, and I hope you will continue to share them. I've been in a "rut with flowers pictures" myself lately, but, as you said, this is such a glorious time of year when trees, wildflowers, and garden flowers are just bursting with color. We need to capture it before the heat of summer takes it toll on everything.

    I love your way with words, and always enjoy seeing things from your perspective through your lens.


