Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lazy Days of Summer

Life on the Cypress Swamp has been pretty uneventful. I don’t know if it’s a summer slump or just the “dog days of summer” setting in, but things around here are pretty lazy right now. I haven’t taken many pictures lately so, I thought I would just show a bit of what I see around here each day.

IMG_3022 Here is our friend, Mr. Hawk, on his regular perch. For some reason he has taken a liking to the bluebird box and spends a good part of his day here. Of course, there isn’t a bluebird in his right mind who would attempt to reclaim this home!

IMG_3032 Mexican Petunia loves this hot, humid weather and is blooming like crazy. The hotter it is, the better this little one likes it. I love the lavender color with the really deep green leaves.

Hummingbirds are feeding regularly now. I wasn’t fast enough to actually get a picture of one, but watching them is one of my favorite past times.

IMG_3030 In my kitchen window is pink verbena to enjoy as I do daily chores. Thanks to the unusually wet summer, it is blooming like crazy. The little sunflower “vases” are actually diffuser bottles we found at a local glass outlet for .33 cents  a piece.  I just couldn’t pass up a bargain like that!

That’s just a glimpse of my day. I am kind of enjoying a slower pace for a while. I’m sure it won’t last long! Maybe I will have a more interesting post next time…………


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos, Carolyn. It's lazy days here, too. Definitely too hot to get outside and take photos!:-)
