Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Spent Blooms of Summer

David had minor outpatient surgery on his hand today and while he was dozing off the last of the “sleepy drugs”, I took a walk around the yard. We have overcast skies and cooler temps today thanks to the remnants of Bonnie.
I couldn’t help but notice the changes in the flowers  and feel the anticipation of a change in seasons even though it is still weeks away. Above are spent blooms loaded with seeds set to drop to assure there will be more flowers next spring and summer. I think this is beauty of a different kind.
Below are more of these spent blooms beginning with the Oak Leaf Hydrangea……..
Woodland daisy wildflower……………….
Finally, Stokesia, really pretty without petals also………………
But all is not lost! Sedum Autumn Joy is still in the “green stage “ with the change to pink then rust to come…………….
Some daisies are still blooming……………….
And of course, good ole’ Lantana can always be counted on to last all summer ………
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I know we have quite a few more hot, steamy, summer days before fall actually arrives……….but a girl can imagine!


1 comment:

  1. I, too, am longing for fall, Carolyn, even though I know we still have a lot of summer ahead of us. I loved your pictures and have always found beauty in faded flowers, too (especially roses and magnolias).
