Sunday, September 19, 2010



Oh, I wish I was in the land of cotton, Ole times there are not forgotten.


I know I have already been to the cotton patch once this year, but I heard they were pickin’ and just had to make another trip! This time, the leaves are gone and I saw acres and acres of white fields seeming to stretch forever. These pictures were taken in Dixie, La. They were from several different plantations and farms along the river.


The cotton bolls are dried out making it easy to release the cotton. And the cotton is all fluffy and white and ready for harvest.

Isn’t this pretty?

 Here is what the field looks like after the cotton picker has been through. It does a pretty good job of getting all the cotton, however my daddy would always fret over all those bits of cotton left behind. He wanted to harvest every single bit!

Here is cotton, picked and waiting to be taken to the cotton gin for processing. In the picture below, you can see them lined up at the edge of the field waiting for pick up.



There were lots of thunderheads in the sky, but no rain is predicted for the next seven days, so they should have no problem getting all the cotton picked before any wet weather sets in. Good news for the farmers and plantation owners!


The rains came at the right time in the spring and this has been a very hot summer and a dry fall so far, which is perfect for growing cotton. As you can see from the picture above, it will be a good  harvest this year.


Looks like it was a good year for hay as well. I think these bales are so pretty all rolled and lined up next to one of the cotton fields.

This will be my last trip to the cotton patch this year. By this time next week, all the cotton will have been picked and stacked, ready for the gin.

I am thankful to still live in the “land of cotton” where “ole times are not forgotten”. I was born in the South and have lived here all my life. I have wonderful “ole times” to remember and the cotton patch is one of the best of them.



  1. Beautiful post, Carolyn. I love the shot of the hay bales. Your banner is wonderful!

  2. Love, love, love your pictures, Carolyn, especially your header picture ... and your words went straight to my southern heart. I, too, love living in the "land of cotton!"

  3. Oh my, honey, You brought my Southern inhibitions to the forefront with this post. YEE HAW!!!! I am not a redneck, far from it but I am truly a died in the wool SOUTHERNER. Loved your post. I have often thought that I would plant some seeds from the cotton bolls in my garden just to say, "Hey, I am SOUTHERN through and through". Where is that smiley face when I need him. I so enjoy driving by the fields of cotton in our area.

    BTW, your last post about the Hurricane Lilies, sometimes it takes a couple of years for them to bloom and I have planted some yellow ones. One bloomed, didn't get a photo of it but went and got about six more bulbs. I love them.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  4. Oh you did it again! Love this one too;) Tell me...did you have the urge to sing?!
    love you,
