Friday, October 01, 2010



Recently, my nephew was blessed to go elk hunting in Colorado. This beautiful picture is one of my favorites from his album, although I wish I could take credit for it.  I think he looks like an explorer in what was virgin territory for him and his friend. From all accounts, they had a great time and came home with wonderful memories and a great set of elk horns!

Dear husband and I along with our daughter and son-in-law are headed west for the next few days as well. We plan to visit the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone, staying in Jackson Hole, WY. It will be quite a change for us. It is hard to pack coats, sweaters and jackets when it is 90 degrees, but we are excited at the prospect of seeing similar scenery as in the picture above.

We will be spending as much time outdoors, hiking and enjoying God's beautiful world, as possible. I will hopefully, have some pictures to share when I return.

Until then, have a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Carolyn, what a wonderful trip for you! I can't wait to see your pictures -- I know they're going to be worthy of National Geographic.

    Take care and have fun ...
