Sunday, October 17, 2010

Winding up Wyoming


This will be the last of the wonderful Wyoming vacation photos. I could probably post from now until Christmas with all the pictures I took, but that would be a little like being invited over for dinner and being subjected to vacation videos! This is our lovely daughter with the amazing Tetons in the background.


This is a view we had most every where we went. You can just see one of the glaciers on the top of the mountain and the trees…..well words cannot describe.


We visited Mormon Row one morning. It was cloudy and drizzling so the mountains were a little hazy in the background. These barns are some of the most photographed buildings in the area. There was quite a Mormon settlement here at one time and I could imagine their life here at the foot of the Tetons. Their property was purchased to become part of the Grand Teton National Park.



Can you imagine having this view every day? They were farmers, raising hay and farm animals. I imagine their life was hard but also very happy.

Now a few pictures of Yellowstone……


One of the springs called the Heart because of the shape. This one is a really pretty blue, but not all were as pleasant. Some were downright smelly and ugly!


I was amazed at the terrain. I have read and seen pictures but I could not have imagined how beautiful it is in reality. Here are buffalo grazing and the steam coming from the earth in the background along the rim.


The falls in the Yellowstone Canyon. It was breathtaking!


We took a hike along the South Rim of the Canyon and here we are at Artist Point, taking a break before heading back. We had climbed down to the bottom of the falls (over 325 steps!) and once you go down….well that means you have to come back up…..  As I said earlier, the air is mighty thin in those parts and a rest to replenish oxygen was in order.


This is one of my favorite places on the Lewis river. There is a small waterfall close to here, but the river winding through the flats, clear as a mirror with small rapids here and there is just beautiful to me. Fly fishing is a popular sport in this area.


Here is one of  the tour buses from Yellowstone. A cool ride!

Beautiful aspens against the sky. God does know how to mix His colors!

I hope you have enjoyed visiting the west with me. It was a trip I will not soon forget!



  1. Well done Carolyn!! You are coming to visit soon and bring the rest of these, yes? I will be revisiting these posts again and again.....foing right now:).

    love ya,

  2. What a beautiful collection of pictures you captured, Carolyn. I would never tire of seeing the rest of them.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi, there! I saw your name on the Southern Lagniappe blog, and thought I would check out your blog.

    I am so glad that I did! What wonderful pictures; they made me long for the mountains...

    I think I'll share them with my dad, too, since he loves elk and deer and well, all kinds of God's creatures...
    Have a wonderful and happy day, Jenni
