Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Over the River

We were unable to go home to Mississippi for Thanksgiving and won't be able to go for Christmas either, so this past weekend my daughter & I made a quick trip for a visit. We were only able to stay a day and see just a few family members, but in this case, some was better than nothing! We stopped at the Mississippi Visitor's Center in Vicksburg for a quick break. The weather was beautiful, and the flag was flying as usual.

We found some landscaping has been done at the Visitor Center. Some of the older trees and shrubs have been replaced with a tidy bed and sod. I am not sure I like it better as I miss the Altheas and other mature trees. These bright green benches are a new addition also......hmmmmm.

I suppose they will grow on me as well as the new landscape. This is a great place to take a break.
 Beautiful view of the river and 24 hour security for travelers.

On to grandma's house we go, and find it all dressed for Christmas.

A pretty Christmas table is set for the family dinner.

We always take a walk around the yard, and despite below freezing temperatures, this amazing Rio Somba rose is still blooming and beautiful.

Buds are still forming and waiting to open.

This handsome fellow next door came to the fence to say howdy.

A lovely spot to sit and enjoy the outdoors.
 It is near a little pond that is formed from a natural spring that flows from the hill at the edge of her yard.

And of course, birdwatching from the breakfast window as we have our morning coffee is such a joy!

This little guy was not bothered by us at all.

Time to leave came all too soon. Highway 25 to Jackson is a pretty drive through the countryside. This picture was taken through the car window but you can see how peaceful it is. I will miss being home for Christmas, but I am thankful for the sweet (short) time we had this past weekend.


  1. Absolute perfect post. The little bird is amazing! I think he was posing for you!!!


  2. I had such fun reading your post and looking at all those amazing pictures!

    The little Bird is just too sweet....

    Loved the photos of Grandma's house, too!

  3. I enjoyed reading about your visit with your family, Carolyn. I didn't know you are from Mississippi.

    I haven't seen the changes to the Welcome Center, but don't think I like those green benches either!

    The tablescape is lovely and I'd love to see more of that house and its yard.

    Thank you for sharing your trip with us. Your pictures are beautiful, as always.

  4. Your photos are beautiful! I'm glad you had a good trip. ~Cheryl
