Saturday, April 23, 2011


This Easter Sunday lunch will be a little different this year.
Our daughter and son-in-law are out of town celebrating their anniversary and won’t be with us.
 David’s mother will also be absent this year,
celebrating Easter with our Risen Savior!


The rest of the family will be joining us for lunch and I am looking forward to visiting with them around the table.
As you can see, we aren't real formal around here, mixing and matching everyday dishes and linens.


Our dining area is not very large so I keep a drop-leaf table in the living room to use when the whole family comes over.


A few bunnies hopped by and I decided to let them stay.


I’ll move this in front of the fireplace and raise the sides.
 I have several old dinette cloths that fit this table perfectly.
 I thought this one looked like spring and a little like Easter. 
 It may look a little busy but it reminds me of when I was a little girl and these cloths were always used on the table.


Here’s another bunny hanging out in the kitchen.


And just a few more in the living room!
These add a little fun and whimsy to the day, but in no way do we make them the main focus.

The dyed eggs and bunnies that remind us of new life that comes with springtime, also reminds us of the new life we have in Christ.


May you have a Blessed Resurrection Day

He is risen, He is risen indeed!


  1. Very pretty. Iam glad you mentioned the reason we are celebrating Easter. It will just be the hubby and I this Easter,so I won't cook much-don't want all those leftovers.Have a wonderful time with your family.

  2. Oh Carolyn! Your Easter things are sooo pretty! What an inviting table for family to gather around and enjoy being together.....

    Wishing you and yours the most wonderful Easter ever.

    In his Love,

  3. Your tables are lovely, Carolyn, and how nice to be able to use the cloths from your childhood.

    Best wishes to you and your family for a celebration filled with blessings and sweet memories of Easters Past.

  4. Hi Carolyn, your Easter tables were beautiful! I hope you had a wonderful day. I love the tablecloth you said reminds you of years past. I remember those too. All your Easter decor is so pretty. Have a good week!

  5. What a wonderful post, and what a delight to have you visit at LAWN TEA!!

    Your celebration looks beautiful and meaningful, for that first holiday after someone has left us is always hard, and so blessed, besides, to know that they're celebrating so gloriously.

    The cloth is so reminiscent of all of ours of my childhood, but they were for special occasions, for the bright oilcloths on Mammaw's kitchen table served for all but the most elegant events.

    I have several of those "vintage" prints, one made into an apron, and remember them all fondly.

