Saturday, April 09, 2011

Through the Garden Gate

A few days ago, a sweet friend called me and said
 "the garden is in full bloom, want to come see?"
My reply? I am on my way!

Let's go through the garden gate and get a peek of her beautiful flowers.

This iris is one of my favorites. The bloom was so pretty with its ruffles and lovely lavender color.

 Just look at the red rose buds on the bush behind.
I'll have to make another visit to see that in bloom!

Here is another iris in the most delicious pink.
 Not a great picture, but I had to share it's gorgeous color.

This sweet angel stood guard over the loveliness.

Clematis growing on the back fence and there
were azaleas blooming in every corner.

The lovely gate and garden shed were painted
 by her talented daughter along with a mailbox on a post
in her garden. I didn't get a picture of that, but she uses it to tuck her gardening gloves and tools inside. Such a clever idea don't you think? May have to work that into my yard somehow.

Just look at these beautiful white azaleas.
 I have never seen any like these.
They have a blush of pink on the blooms.

Just beautiful.

A true gardener has great joy in sharing a garden they have lovingly planted and tended. It is also a great joy to visit
the garden of a friend.
 I hope our little tour brought you a little
happiness as well.


  1. Sweet....however, after our conversation...this just makes me wish I could see it ALL;). So glad you are friends with this gifted Lady!

    love, lilsis

  2. You are right! This lady's garden just radiates happiness.....

    and thanks to you for snapping pics so we could enjoy the beauty...I have never seen white azaleas with a touch of pink like that, either...
    The mailbox idea is very clever... and convenient too!

    Don't you just love gardens? It was neat the way you told us to "step through the garden gate"!
    Have a happy day,

  3. Your friends garden is beautiful. Thanks for taking us on a tour.

  4. Oh, what a delightful way to start my day, Carolyn. Thank you for sharing your friend's beautiful little garden. Her mailbox idea is so neat ... I'd love to find an old rusty, battered one somewhere, but I guess you could buy a new one and "batter" it yourself.

  5. What a beautiful sight on our snowy day ...
