Sunday, October 23, 2011


Keep close to Nature's heart... and break clear away,
 once in awhile, and climb a mountain
 or spend a week in the woods.
Wash your spirit clean.
John Muir

I think John Muir and I are kindred spirits.
Every so often, I am drawn to the mountains.
This time it wasn't the Grand Tetons, or the Rockies.

Dear hubbie and I decided to break away and spend
a week one of our favorite places, the Ozarks.

This was our first visit to Devil's Den State Park
in Arkansas. We found wonderful hiking trails and
stayed in a cabin built by the CCC boys in the 1930's.

These rock houses can be found all
around the Ozarks. I fell in love with
the first one I saw when I was a child and 
have loved them ever since.  

Here is the fireplace from one of the old
kitchens originally built on this site at the park.
 It was huge! I imagine many a dinner had been
cooked here and it surely warmed the room
nicely in the winter.

We decided to drive to War Eagle Mill one
day for lunch. It is still a working grist mill
and you can watch as the miller grinds corn
and the big water wheel turns.

I had a cup of pinto beans and cornbread
with blackberry cobbler for dessert.
Good home cookin'!

We traveled the back roads and came across
this covered bridge and little cabin decorated for fall.
I am pretty sure in the past someone lived a good life
 here in this peaceful spot beside this little creek.

The trees were just beginning to change color.
The temperature dipped into the low 30's 
while we were there, so I imagine this next
week will be spectacular! 

We had a wonderful time, wandering around
the northern part of Arkansas. We climbed a
few mountains, spent some time in the woods,
ate some good home cookin' and came home
with our spirits refreshed.

That John Muir was a wise man!


  1. Lovely post. Beautiful pictures. I found myself in tears by the end. (?)Who knows? But you know me.....just drop a hat~

    love you

  2. This looks like a wonderful place to get away to. Love all your beautiful photos. Glad you had fun!

  3. Such wonderful scenes for an autumn get-away.

  4. I agree Carolyn.. some days, I just get this hunger to go to the Mountains.... I have been to Colorado many times, and to Montana and New Mexico and the Smokies... and we have been to the Ozarks a lot... and how I love them! I am so thrilled y'all had such a fun trip! And from the pics, it looks like y'all saw much beauty! I am so appreciative of you sharing y'alls travels with us... if I can't go right now because of responsibilities... it does my heart good to get to see what y'all enjoyed!

  5. Thank you for "taking us away," too, Carolyn. Your beautiful pictures brought back fond memories of our times spent in the Ozarks.
