Monday, November 21, 2011


"Over the river and through the woods
Trot fast my dapple gray.
Spring over the round
Like a hunting hound
On this Thanksgiving Day. Hey!

Over the river and through the woods
Now Grandmother's face I spy.
Hurrah for the fun,
Is the pudding done?
Hurrah for the pumpkin pie."
                        English folksong

We will be going
"over the Mississippi River"
and through the
"woods of western Mississippi"
to Mother's house this week.

We won't be riding a dapple gray
but we are looking forward to
mama's dressing and pumpkin pie!

 I am thankful for family and
the opportunity to gather together
around the table in fellowship.

Wishing you all a blessed Thanksgiving Day.



  1. I am just getting caught up on my favorite blogs tonight... we went to visit my Dad's sister and her family, near Canton, Texas, and returned last night. I couldn't get on line very well, there, because all they had was Dial up..... but i am enjoying visiting blog land tonight!

    I hope you all have a wonderful, happy,and blessed Thanksgiving, Carolyn, dear heart.....


  2. Many blessings of Thanksgiving to you as you travel and enjoy.
