Sunday, November 06, 2011

I am in a love/hate relationship right now....

with Blogger!

I have been having trouble commenting on some
of my favorite posts...

now I seem to have lost my followers...

I am about ready to throw in the towel.......

Any suggestions??

These pictures were taken at beautiful
Lake Greeson in Arkansas. We spent
the night at a friends lake house on our
way home a couple of weeks ago.

It was peaceful and serene on the water
with the wind whispering through the pines.

It is kinda hard to stay irritated with
a reminder of views like these.

Oh well, in the words of that famous
Southern philospher, Scarlett O'Hara,

"Tomorrow is another day"

See you soon.....
(unless blogger decides to delete me altogether!)


  1. I feel your pain, Carolyn! I've had trouble with commenting, too, and then tonight while trying to get a new post ready to suddenly disappeared! How or why that happened, I haven't a clue! It did reappear later. I hesitate to even tell this it sounds so strange, but it really happened!! Wish I could help, but I can only say you're not alone in your frustrations with blogger.

  2. Carolyn, I'm glad you didn't give up. Your pictures are beautiful, as always.

    I haven't had any problems posting, other than it taking forever for pictures to load sometimes, but trying to comment has been a real challenge.

    I hope blogger gets their act together soon ... it is very disheartening to have posts and followers vanish into thin air!

  3. A while back I had trouble leaving comments, and people were having trouble commenting on my blog... I didn'trealize it, but you know where yu sign in to access your dashboard?? somehow the "keep me signed in" thing had become checked.... and as long as it was checked I had problems... when I started making sure it wasn't checked, I was able to get back to normal....
    That may not be your problem, but just thought i'd share it with you....
    Please don't give up blogging... I enjoy your blog and your pictures too much!

  4. Blogger drives me crazy sometimes too! I lost my followers for a while but they are back. Good luck and don't give up.

  5. Glad you are still here!
