Wednesday, December 07, 2011


While visiting family in Mississippi recently, my niece
 and I took the opportunity to shoot a few photos of this
wonderful old barn near my mother's house.

The patina of the wood is just beautiful and the
barn has been lovingly and carefully preserved. 

I have a little confession to make, I
still haven't learned to use my new camera!
I am so familiar with my old Canon,
I just grab it an go.

I know my niece has the same camera
and she takes great pictures. So I imposed
upon her to give me a few lessons.

This old barn was the perfect place to practice.

But, there is still much to learn........:)

~ Remembering Pearl Harbor ~


  1. Lovely photos. What a neat old barn... if those walls could talk about the past, I wonder what they'd tell us??


  2. Oh, your wonderful eye for wood, from the dragonfly in the grain, to that hand-weathered old lock-peg. That's a lovely gift, and lovely to share.

    Hope you're all well and warm this glorious season!!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This is a beautiful barn, love the wood. These are wonderful photos. I still have a lot to learn with my camera and I've had it a year now!

  5. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I love love love barns & I love love love old wood barns the most! This is beautiful!
    Swing by Monday evening 6pm central & link up to my meme, Barn Charm... the others will love to see this beauty! =)

  6. I just love old barns. I used to take lots of photos of the old tobacco barns when I used to live in CT. And now that I'm in NE, there are plenty of old (and new) barns to see.

    Just popped by from seeing your comment at Susan's place (Just a Moment) and thought I'd say hello!

  7. Love that old barn and your pictures are beautiful, Carolyn.

    Best wishes to you and your family for the best Christmas ever!

  8. What a great photo op. Looks like you are doing fine with the picture taking.
