Saturday, January 07, 2012

As much as I enjoy the holidays,
I am glad to be back into a routine.
I am mostly a "ducks in a row" person
and function best in a rut.
Spontanaeity doesn't come natural to me!

I've been a little low on creativity as a
result of said rut I am settling into.

I did take some pictures last Thanksgiving
while in Columbus, Mississippi I intended to share.

It's a gray, dreary here and these
pictures brought a bright spot to my day.

My mom, David & I visited the Friendship Cemetery
one beautiful morning.

The earliest interment is 1849.
 Many soldiers from the War between the States
and as well as WWI and WWII are buried here.
 It is a beautiful, quiet and peaceful place.
We enjoyed just walking
and reading the history found here.

I realize this is not every one's idea
of a pleasant way to pass time.

But the history and beauty....I just can't resist.

This is probably one of the most photographed
cemeteries in the area,
 a favorite of photography students.

As you can see, the day was gorgeous
with bright blue skies and sunshine.

The military section is especially moving.
Aren't the bare branches of the tree beautiful?

How about this one loaded with berries?

I am a little saddened that modern cemeteries
have gone to flat marble stones with
 only names and dates.
These older cemeteries are filled with
wonderful art and sentiment honoring loved ones.

Hope your enjoyed the mini-tour.

Till next time........


  1. The angels are too sweet, especially the weeping angel~.
    I too wish this art was still practiced. Capture what you like, it's your eyes and your heart and it's all good~.
    love ya

  2. Such wonderful statuary there.

  3. I did enjoy the tour! What awesome pictures... and it looked like y'all had a beautiful day together. I think old cemeteries are fascinating, Carolyn! Thanks for sharing this one with us.


  4. so glad you shared these - I will definitely put this one on my list to visit, with it being only an hour away. Great pictures.

  5. Cemeteries are among my favorite places-I always look for old ones when I am traveling. Frienship is a beautiful place, but I think Louisiana has the most interesting cemeteries.I shared photos from one in Tickfaw that were so amazing.
