Friday, February 03, 2012

Jeremiah Johnson

This week, my hubby and I passed another milestone....
we celebrated our 43rd year of marriage.
I know that is a long time to live with the same person,
so it is a good thing I picked a good man in the beginning!

Those who know me personally understand when
I say I married the updated version of Jeremiah Johnson.
 Even though my husband grew up in the city,
 thanks to his Dad who loved to fish and hunt,
he developed a love of adventure at an early age.

I often joke that if we had lived in the 1800's,
we would most probably be on the first wagon train
headed west. As a matter of fact, these two pictures were taken on a trip out west to Wyoming.....he fit right in.

Our adventures are pretty tame these days.
  We did take a short trip this week to celebrate and
 I am looking forward to sharing some of our adventures.

I'll give you a hint of what to expect.

Not exactly the wild west, but a wild beauty of
a different kind. Stay tuned for further adventures
in our own beautiful state of Louisiana.

Till next time.......

1 comment:

  1. Ooh I adore those real "Cajun" photos of Spanish Moss draped trees, water, and an alligator, of course!

    Congratulations on your Anniversary, and it sounds like your husband is a wonderful man.....

    Hugs, sweet friend!
