Wednesday, April 04, 2012

OH, give us pleasure in the flowers today;

And give us not to think so far away

As the uncertain harvest; keep us here

All simply in the springing of the year.
From the poem Spring by Robert Frost
The Carolina Jasmine and Formosa Azalea
are from my yard.
The peony pictures were taken at
the Norton Art Gallery gardens.
I played around a bit in Picasa editing
on the Peony shots for fun.
We are still enjoying the beauty of spring
in our part of the south.


  1. Beautiful flowers! Our Pecan trees are leafing out now as well...I always feel much better after all those little tassels have fallen and are cleared away...
    Have a wonderful Easter weekend...

  2. That poem is so true. Your images show such spring beauty.

  3. Stunning pics! Girl I just love Robert Frost! Wrote a College paper about him...... Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening is one of my faves.....

    Love those flowers, too, I said it before and must say it again... God is SUCH an Artist!
