Saturday, May 05, 2012

Le Tour des Jardins 2012

It's my favorite time of the year....

Time for the Shreveport Master Gardeners
Garden Tour!

This year's gardens were beautiful.

I always get lots of ideas like this
 patio all set for a summer supper.

I love the rooster plates and the grassy runner
and the red polka dot glasses. Not to mention
the cabbage plates and stainless.
(about the only thing I love more than
flowers.....yep, it would be dishes!)

Check out this Bird of Paradise!
It is huge and the begonias were stunning.

This garden was a bit whimsical. This
garden cabinet is made entirely from old doors.
The screen door on front has chicken wire
which allows for good viewing and ventilation.
(It also keeps the squirrels out of the geraniums!)

More fun ideas like this garden gate.

How about a cuppa tea served by this
stylish kitty?

This photo is a bit blurry, but I
love, love shells and this is a great
way to display a collection.

We saw lots of interesting bird houses. This red one caught my eye immediately. The roof is made
from part of a light fixture and the china
knob roost is perfect don't you think?

What a sweet welcome at the front door.

My favorite and cobalt blue
is just the best along with got
it.....more dishes!

We had a lovely day visiting six gardens, each one landscaped differently and each one
beautifully sharing God's awesome
gift of plants and flowers.
Leaving you with my all time favorite plant.

This is for my sister Karen and my mama.
It makes me think of your beautiful hydrangeas.

Until next time...............


  1. What a tresure trove of ideas! Simply stunning pics, dear Carolyn.... you have such an amazing talent for seeing the beauty and capturing it with you camera.....


  2. Wow! Such gorgeous photos! I would have loved to see all the beautiful gardens, too. And I love the tablescape!
    So glad you shared this eye candy with us.

  3. Oh, I loved this tour!I just went on the Gardens of Madison County tour-I will be sharing most of the 213 photos I made! LOL!

  4. What a delight this would be! Such fun ideas and so much beauty.

  5. Thank you C for the pic!!! My fav! Looks like it was a Grand tour this year!....I really enjoyed this peek~
    love ya

  6. How very lovely and inspiring for SUMMER! We've barely started on our lawn cleanup from Winter's blow-downs and leaf-piles. Now I wanna go set up the dining fly and bring out the pear-and-peach-painted plates.

    I love going on your adventures with you!


  7. Thank you for taking us along on your Garden Tour, Carolyn. I loved it all, but especially like the gate and bottle tree. Your pictures are truly beautiful and inspire me to try to make mine better.
