Sunday, July 08, 2012


                                                                                                 Cross Lake, LA

“A lake is a landscape's most beautiful
and expressive feature.

                                                          Devil's Den State Park, AR

It is Earth's eye;

                                                       Jackson Hole, WY

 looking into which the beholder

                                                 Jenny Lake, WY

 measures the depth of his own nature.” 
                                             Henry David Thoreau, Walden

                                                  Jenny Lake, WY

Some reflections I have captured
in different parts of our
beautiful USA.

                                                   Brookgreen Gardens, SC

I love how the camera captures
reflections, especially on water.

                                                                                               Avery Island, LA

                          Bayou Corne, Pierre Part, LA

I have shared most of these before but,
there is not much happening around here now.

Still no rain for us so the yard is looking
pretty ragged already. Not many
pretty blooms in this heat.

I am already looking forward to cooler
weather and taking a little trip to the
mountains. But that will be a while...

So ... I am enjoying previous journeys.
Do you do that? Go back and look at
your photos and relive the experience?

This is one of the main reasons
I love photography.

Till next time.....

                                 Avery Island, LA


  1. Hey there, Carolyn, dear friend! Girl, those photos just made my night..... have been hankerin' to see some beautiful country go back to Colorado and Montana and Santa Fe and Wyoming......but unfortunately I can't right now..... so your photos are the next best thing. Just love God's beautiful Country.... thanks for sharing!


  2. Gorgeous photos, Carolyn! I especially love the one of Jenny Lake. We're thinking of a trip this fall to Wyoming. We thought at first of making a repeat trip out west to Utah, but may steer north as we haven't been to WY. I'll have to look for Jenny Lake if we go.

  3. AbsoLUTEly gorgeous!! You have a marvelous eye and gift for scope and color, and what a lovely album of your travels and adventures.


  4. These are remarkable reflections.

  5. These are all beautiful, but of course the most beautiful to me are the ones from Louisiana! It sets my heart to yearning for a road trip.

  6. Such beautiful keepsakes, Carolyn. One of my favorite poems is by Edgar Guest, which sums up what you said about "reliving experiences" ...

    Mr. Guest wrote:

    "Time never turns backwards
    Its old charms to give,
    In photographs only
    Can yesterdays live

    Thank you for sharing those beautiful "yesterdays" with us. Your pictures made me want to go see all of those places in person.
