Thursday, October 11, 2012

~ Afternoon Drive ~ 
The weather was perfect that day.
A cool and crisp autumn afternoon
with a beautiful blue sky.
When I got home from work, I asked
David to park the lawn mower and
go for a drive and he readily agreed.
Aren't these clouds just the
prettiest? This is a marina
on Cross Lake.
 We drove up north a ways to
a little town named Oil City.
It was formed during the oil boom
days has this nice little park
on the edge of town on Caddo Lake.
Such a peaceful place to spend
an afternoon.
Kool Point once boasted the
best fish resturant in the area.
It burned several years ago and
has never been rebuilt.
We spent many Friday nights
eating at that place. I am
glad they left the sign as a reminder
of a good thing from the past.
We are blessed to live so close to
these beautiful lakes.
 We stopped at the DQ for a
chicken basket on the way
 home for supper.
Thanks to my sweet hubbie for
dropping everything to go for a drive
with me. It was pretty much a
perfect afternoon.

'til next time....

(still planning to share our trip to Biltmore in the near future)

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your photos, Carolyn. I love the water and it just looks so beautiful there. Have a great weekend!
