Thursday, January 10, 2013


I will lie down and sleep in peace,
for you alone, Oh Lord,
make me dwell in safety.
                                                Psalm 4:8

Finally, after seemingly unending rain,

a sunny day and a beautiful sunset.

The rain is predicted to return, so I am

soaking up every second of the sunshine!


  1. Sunshine is supposed to be here today ... and I can't wait. It's supposed to start raining again tomorrow and is forecast through next Thursday. I'm not sure if we'll ever dry out!

  2. Hello, sweet friend! It has been dreary and rainy for days here, too, but yesterday was just GORGEOUS! Ahhhh.... The sky was blue, blue! God is so good!

    Think the rain will be back soon, though....


  3. Grab the sunshine while you can. These winter months, you never know when the sun will be out. Nice to meet you, from your newest follower, Linda
