Friday, January 04, 2013

"In the bleak midwinter,
frosty wind made moan"

These song lyrics have been stuck
 in my head this week.

It has been a cloudy and wintery
 beginning to the new year.
A good time to snuggle under a warm comforter
& read a good book with a nice cup of tea.
For a warm weather girl, I am trying
to enjoy the beauty of each season......
even it is a bleak midwinter day.
Have a warm and cozy weekend.


  1. I prefer warmer weather, too. It's been pretty cold here lately with a bit of snow. It's nothing like those up north or in the northeast, though.
    Nice images, I love the floating leaf.
    Have a great weekend, Carolyn!

  2. It's a bleak midwinter here, too ... beauty even in the bleakness.

  3. I am a warm weather person too-but I can curl up by the fire with a quilt , a good book and my dogs for many enjoyable afternoons.
