Thursday, February 14, 2013

First Peek of Spring!

I took a little walk around the yard today,
enjoying the sunshine and warmer temps.
Look what I found!

And this...
(if you can't make it out, a rose in bud)

And this.....
(buds on the dogwood tree)


All under beautiful blue skies............
I know the wintery weather isn't over completely....
but I am giddy with the thought of spring
around the corner:)
Wishing you blue skies
and warm thoughts today.


  1. Oh, I'm so jealous! I can't wait to see jonquils and other spring flowers popping up. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  2. We are having promises of spring here too, even tho the low twenties are predicted for the weekend-well maybe it won't be too much longer!

  3. So beautiful, Carolyn ... signs of Spring are popping out all over here in Vicksburg, too. I can't wait!
