Saturday, February 18, 2006

Cold Icy Rain and Red Birds

The icy weather has arrived. The temperature is hovering at freezing and a cold, sleety rain is falling. The birds are in a feeding frenzy especially the Cardinals. Flashes of bright red dart to and from the feeders accompanied by rust colored females along with chickadees, sparrows, snow birds and a titmouse or two.
The spring flowers are trying to bear up under the wintery conditions and from experience I know they will bounce back with the first hint of warmer weather. In Louisiana, we have a saying, "if you don't like the weather, wait 24 hours, it will change".

All else is quiet on Cypress Knee Swamp. Most critters have headed for a warm and dry place to wait out what we in the south call winter. I am thankful for a warm, dry place to hibernate myself. I am truly a "fair weather" lady and that is why I love the south where warm days and sunshine abound. Til they return, I'll look at seed catalogues and plan for sunshine and warmer days .

1 comment:

  1. Ok, how did you get the gorgeous picture on there? I have tried can't figure it out.
