Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Cypress Swamp

The cypress knee swamp is enveloped in a soft, quiet fog. Visibility is limited and the world seems smaller since I can only see to the trees in the back yard and not much further. The birds seem oblivious to the clouds visiting the earth and are feeding as usual. David bought a couple of thistle feeders and the gold finches have invaded by the dozens and they are waiting in line for a chance at breakfast, lunch, dinner or anytime in between. Their activity is a bright spot in an otherwise grey day. There are still a few pelicans on the lake, but probably for not much longer.
The weather is supposed to improve as the week comes to a close. Maybe I will have more interesting activities from the swamp to report with the return of sunshine.

1 comment:

  1. So, where do the pelicans go when the weather turns nice? Love Bunny
