Saturday, January 27, 2007

All is quiet on the swamp today. Duck season is finally over and once again sleeping in on a Saturday morning is possible without the irritating boom-boom-boom of a gun interrupting. The day is cloudy with a chance of some rain later. A walk around the yard shows signs of spring already, even with the recent cold weather. Buds on the rose bushes, hydrangeas and tulip poplar not to mention King Alfreds shooting up everywhere. The birds are keeping the feeders busy. We have goldfinches at the thistle feeder, but only a few. Nothing like last year when the feeders were covered with them. My friend at the Wild Bird Center says it is the same with his feeders. I am sure there is a reason, but I will let someone else figure that out. I am content to "let every bird sing his own note" as the old saying goes.
The Wild Bird Center is one of my favorite places to visit. The shop has all kinds of things for the yard and every kind of bird feeder you could almost imagine, from the whimsical to the very practical. We purchased a hook pole with a squirrel baffle several years ago, and for the first time ever, NO SQUIRRELS! It really works and we have been die hard customers ever since. They have a beautiful cockatiel that someone brought to them in a Target bag after finding it in the parking lot. Even though I am more interested in domestic birds than exotic, it is a beautiful bird and has lots of personality. I think it must be a female since it is quite taken with the male owner and seems to ignore his wife. Just another interesting feature of the shop.
Such are the highlights of my day and week. "It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day to day basis." M. Bonnano I have found that to be true. I have also found that the small pleasures like watching the birds at the feeder, talking with friends, visiting a favorite place are the things, when put together, that add up to happily ever after.
Enjoy the small things today.
Aunt C

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