Sunday, January 14, 2007

Rain Day

Today is a typical January day in Louisiana. The past few years have been unusually dry and this type of day rare. The rain started last night and has fallen steadily since. The weather gauge this morning at 7:00a.m shows 2-1/2 inches so far with up to 4 more expected. The swamp finally has some standing water and it looks more like the old Cypress Knee Swamp than it has in a long time. This is good news come spring. The ducks will have a place to paddle and plan new families & I can enjoy watching the egrets fishing in the shallow water. It is good sleeping weather for daughter Shannon who worked the night shift at the local hospital ER and was ready for a good rest.
Even though it is only January, I am ready for spring and looking forward to seeing the yard and swamp come to life. The birds are feeding regularly at the feeders and I heard the hawks calling in the yard yesterday. Maybe they were just getting ready for the wet weather coming. There is a possibility of some freezing rain later tonight and tomorrow, though I don't think it will be too bad here. Just in case, I have covered the outside plants once again.
This has been a weekend of rest and recovery for me after having a treatment last Thrusday. I am feeling good and would love to be able to get outside and do some gardening and yard work. Being cooped up in the house is not my idea of having fun for very long. But this time of year the weather is not usually very cooperative. I will try to take advantage of the opportunity to rest up, plan ahead and enjoy the rain while it falls. (however I think it plans to fall most of the week, so by the weekend, I probably will be a little more grumpy) Just trying to remember, spring is just around the corner and I am glad I don't live in Colorado!

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