Friday, November 28, 2008


Another Thanksgiving Day has come and gone. Lots of the 3 f's (food, family & fun). Every year is special, this one because I spent it with my family in Mississippi and my sweet Aunt Willie Mae. The only downside; Shannon, Scott, Ashley & Jon were not here. They just don't know what they missed! Here is just a few things:

Aunt Willie Mae's famous dressing (YUM) and her pecan pie.
The twins in their element, so cute and loving and BUSY.
Sitting around the table remembering Thanksgivings past and those loved
ones who are celebrating in heaven. I know that sounds morbid, but it isn't.
Best of all, beating the socks off David B. in Farkel!
Lots of laughs and oh yes, the pumpkin pie and cheese cake and for Ashley,
the best mashed potatoes and sweet potato casserole and deviled eggs and......

Gotta go now, there is Uncle David's pancakes waiting! (Sorry Ash) This week has set Weight Watchers back a month at least.

Hope your T Day was as special and that every day for the next year will be for giving thanks.

Aunt C


  1. Gee thanks! That didn't hurt at all.... :) I did miss you guys and the potatoes, pumpkin pie, dressing and .... but we had fun too! Love you!

  2. We need some new posts
