Saturday, September 12, 2009

I"ve got Sunshine on a Cloudy Day

The weather has been gray and wet today. In fact, rain is predicted for the next week or so here in the south. I was looking through some pictures and came across these shots of the sunflowers taken at the Sunflower Festival this year. Their happy faces bring sunshine no matter what the weather is outside.

Mr. Bumble Bee is busy gathering pollen! I never tire of looking at this amazing flower.

We stopped next to a field where alphalfa was being cut and baled. What a wonderful aroma. The smell of freshly cut hay has a clean wholesome smell that nothing else compares to. Summer 2009 was a good one, but I am ready for fall with cooler days and bright fall colors.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Carolyn!

    I love the sunflowers!
    Thanks so much for stopping by the back porch. When I clicked your name and saw your profile I noticed you are from Shreveport. From 1961 to January 1964, I lived in Bossier City! Small world!

    My first husband was stationed at Barksdale.
