Saturday, November 07, 2009


Our time in the Carolinas was cut short by a look at the weather channel on Wednesday. We saw what looked like the perfect storm headed straight toward our home in Louisiana. We left Thursday morning but had to take at least a drive through old Charleston. We stopped at the park and stretched our legs a bit and I was able to get a few pictures. Karen you are so right. This is a lovely place!

Beautiful ironwork.

Beautiful Grand Ladies

Did I mention beautiful ironwork??? (sorry my photography doesn't do this justice!)

Awesome architecture. This home was majestic, but had fallen into disrepair. So heartbreaking to see such a grand old lady in need of an uplift. The courtyard to this particular house had light gray marble and dark gray marble squares laid out in a checkerboard pattern. I could just imagine her in her youth!

There is just something about a gate that beckons one to open it and step into the garden for a stroll. But, alas, this one was locked and had no welcome sign.

And of course, no trip, no matter how fast, is complete with out remembering the part this lovely old city played in our history. Here is DH with guns and ammo (way cooler than having his picture made in front of an old house :)

And finally, just a glimpse of the flora! We must go back for an extended visit to this wonderful, old southern city! So much history and I didn't even touch on the painted ladies who were so very lovely and stately. (houses, I am talking about)  So ends our vacation memories in pictures. Ashley, how about sharing some of yours?????

1 comment:

  1. Oh to be able to clone ourselves and be in all the places we love without having to travel sooo far! Does this mean the album is at the end?! More please?!
    lil sis
