Saturday, November 21, 2009


A few things to be thankful for this week:

Faith always first, then Family

I could not imagine life without Friends!

FOOD, of course!

I always look forward to pecans this time of year (thanks Gracie!)

And Pumpkin Pie, oh my!

and last, but not necessarily least, Flowers.

I took a vacation day yesterday and spent the day working outdoors. My yard and flower beds were in desperate need of attention and I needed a day of nature therapy! When I finished, the leaves were mulched, the sweet gum balls were raked and burned and muscles I didn't even remember having ached, but oh the joy of being outside! There is a satisfaction in a job well done, in being able to look around and see the results of your labor. The yard looked beautiful.... until .... I woke up this morning and saw all the leaves that had fallen during the night! Oh well, at least the therapy is still working. Once again, God's world has restored balance to my life, putting things into proper perspective, reminding me that when the irritations of life come, to continually keep asking myself, "in the light of eternity, just how important is this anyway?"

I am thankful for and looking forward to being with family around the table next week. What are you thankful for today?
Aunt C

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