Thursday, December 03, 2009


Each year I vow to cut back on the Christmas decorations. It's just dh & I at home these days and I think, "I'll just put a few things out and skip the whole tree, lights, Christmas dishes, etc." But once I get started, before you know it, once again, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Since my family in Mississippi doesn't get to see what my house looks like at the holidays, here is a sample of Christmas on Cypress Knee Swamp.

The only kind of snowmen we see in Louisiana.
I love the little bird on the one below.

The red striped bell in on the tree is almost as old as I am, and no, I am not telling just how old that is!
It was on our tree when I was a little girl.

Not only did I decorate a tree in the living room, but inspired by my sister Karen's bird ornaments, I now have a decorated tree in the kitchen. This is the window where we keep a pair of binoculars to watch the birds at the feeders in the back yard. It seemed appropriate to have this tree here. The unattractive light cords show up more in pictures, but it really is quite charming. Karen, this one's for you.
Can't wait to see your tree.

Recognize this feathered friend?

The sweet tea cup and saucer are from Cracker Barrel and a gift from my daughter and son-in-law.
 I love them!

I should have warned you this was a long one! I want to see some Mississippi Christmas posted soon.
Wouldn't mind a little Christmas from Florida as well. (hint, hint)


  1. Oh my, how beautiful! I LOVE the bird tree.....don't you wonder how you never had one before?! love all the you...yes, I cried:)
    lil sis

  2. Hi Carolyn,
    I love the bird theme tree.The little snowmen are cute too.
    You have lovely photos on your blog-I took a stroll through!

    Take care,
