Saturday, December 12, 2009


Lately I have had a case of the bah-humbugs and couldn't seem to snap out of it. There seemed to be no end to the doing of Christmas and no beginning to the enjoying of Christmas. I think I have finally turned the corner! Last Sunday our children's choir presented their musical, The Best Christmas Present Ever, and it reminded me again of why Christmas is Christmas. After several Christmas parties and a couple of long work days this week, I took a vacation day to finish my shopping (almost finished too!)  Today I am hibernating and enjoying the tree, wrapping a few presents, listening to Christmas music, all with no sign of Scrooge. I pray he is gone for the season! Tomorrow, our Adult Choir will present the musical, A Baby Changes Everything. I am looking forward to worshipping that baby with my church family.

Not only was that true 2000 years ago, but for my nephew and his wife, it is especially true this Christmas. They have brand new triplets! In this case, THREE babies have changed everything. They arrived 2 months early and are tiny and Mom & Dad had to come home and leave them in the hospital for a while. Our prayer is that they will be healthy and home soon.

Finally, from the heart, Merry Christmas Everyone!
Aunt C

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a lovely comment. That Christmas Spirit is sometime difficult to get going with all the worries in our world today. I will pray for your nephew and his family. What a beautiful blessing those babies will be.

    Have a Blessed Christmas.

