Sunday, December 20, 2009


Since we will be spending Christmas with family in Mississippi this year, our daughter and son in law are coming over for a little family Christmas on Cypress Knee Swamp before we leave. I have been busy today with last minute gift wrapping and cleaning and cooking.  The tree finally has something underneath and I am getting a little bit excited thinking about seeing faces as gifts are opened.

Back door welcome!

Christmas Cactus in full bloom. Beautiful!

Supper will be simple, roast beef, mashed potatoes, peas, Cherry Coke salad and Orange Cranberry bread for dessert. Shannon and Dad will continue the tradition of making fudge after supper. This is something they have done since Shannon was a little girl.

The table is simply set  for this simple meal.

With a simple centerpiece of a favorite Christmas teapot and the sweet little red birds adding light.

For some reason, the tablecloth and napkin color is coming out more blue than in person. It is really a Christmas green. I am sure it has nothing to do with the photographer :-)

We ate and visited around the table, then came the fudge making. Everyone at some point had a hand in the cooking and all agreed this is the best batch ever! We then exchanged gifts early since this is our last opportunity to be together before Christmas (our daughter is an ER nurse and works nights) Santa was good to all this year and we are blessed. We will miss being with our extended family in Louisiana but looking forward to seeing the Mississippi relatives.

The best part of Christmas on earth is spending time with those you love. I pray your Christmas will be blessed with family, friends and the Peace of the season. 
Aunt C

1 comment:

  1. Sounds wonderful and looks beautiful!

    Merry Christmas!
