Friday, May 07, 2010

~ Mama's Roses ~

Last weekend, David and I took a little trip south to the great state of Florida to visit my sweet niece Ashley and her hubby Jon. (I will share more about that trip later). On our way home, we stopped in Columbus, Ms and spent the night with mama and Bill. My mama, if you don't already know, not only has a green thumb but her whole hand is green! Her yard and flowers are beautiful and I wanted to share a few of my favorites. This is a Rio Somba rose and hers is magnificent!

Here is mama standing beside the rose bush to give you an idea of just how large and beautiful it is. (Isn't she cute in her rose pj's?)

This rose has all the colors of a sunrise or sunset, pinks, yellows, oranges with a touch of red, beautiful.

This rose we call the "Aunt Willie Mae rose" because it came from a cutting in Aunt Willie Mae's yard. It is a large cabbage rose with a fragrance to match. This bloom grew between the posts on the garage. I don't know the name of this one, but it resembles a David Austin.

I know, this is not a rose, but I had to tuck in this sweet Columbine bloom. So pretty and dainty.

We traveled almost 2000 miles that week and saw many beautiful sights, but none prettier than mama's yard. Hope you enjoyed visiting her garden as well. ~ Aunt C

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post, Carolyn. The roses are gorgeous. Your mama is certainly cute in her rose PJ's. Perfect for that great photo!

    I love the Columbine too. I should go out to the side garden and get some photos today. Our Columbines are blooming. We only have knockout and home run roses. Our tea roses have never done well, so we now just have the easier to grow KO's.
