Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Last week David and I met my sister and brother-in-law in Jacksonville, FL for a visit with my niece Ashley and hubby Jon. It was Shrimp Festival weekend and Ashley was running her first 5K race with Jon. We decided we needed to be there to lend moral support and cheer her across the finish line
(oh, and did I mention there were shrimp?)

The race started and ended at beautiful Fernandina Beach.
Here she comes! Run Ashley, Run!

Thumbs up for a race well run.

 Now time to enjoy the Shrimp Festival, which we did. We started lunch about 9:30 a.m. with Shrimp Pie followed by Lemonade then Shrimp Twisters, on to Shrimp Baskets and Funnel Cakes and well you see where this is headed! There were vendors selling just about everything including antiques.

A few things we saw and enjoyed.

An adorable little house surrounded by flowers and a white picket fence.

Boats at the marina and the pretty buildings in the background.

Mast of a beautiful sailing vessel.

Here we are, enjoying the day. We spent a couple more days exploring this beautiful city and enjoying time with family. As usual, we ran out of time before we ran out of things to see and do!

Thanks Ashley & Jon, you were great hosts and we love you!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful time.

    I loved seeing all the photos. What a beautiful place.
