Tuesday, June 29, 2010


This afternoon, David & I took a little drive across the state line to Scottsville, Texas.  There is an old Civil War Cemetery in that tiny community that has a lovely chapel and some of the most beautiful marble head stones. I had wanted to visit again and take some pictures and since the temperature was cooler, this seemed like a good day to go.
When we left home, the sun was shining but by the time we reached the cemetery, a thundershower passed over. This beautiful piece caught my eye and if you look closely, thanks to the rain, she is crying.
Such amazing detail!

I think this is my favorite, the weeping Angel.
All the statues were in need of a good cleaning. I love mossy things, but these are really beautiful when white and clean. Black angel wings just aren't as appealing!
Another lovely angel, (a popular subject)  holding a pretty rose bouquet.

The faces are especially sweet.
The cemetery has beautiful trees and flowers. The Crepe Myrtles are old enough to have that wonderful bark.

It is such a lovely old cemetery and though some folks may think it a little strange that we would spend a couple of hours there, I love the history and the peace and quiet. I have many more pictures, but will save them for another post.
 David & I like to read the sentiment on the headstones. The older the stone, the more beautiful and poetic the words it seems. I will leave you with the following................

Friday, June 25, 2010

~ Summer Sky ~

I love the summer sky on days that afternoon "thunderheads" form.
It all begins with puffy white clouds that turn gray with rain if we are fortunate.

How gorgeous is this blue?

We have had little afternoon showers the past couple of days. They are most welcome and refreshing after a week of 100 degree days!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Summer has arrived with all the heat and humidity it could possibly bring.
Today, I had a doctor visit to make and on the way, the temperature in the car was showing to be 101!
We have had very little rain here and I am watering almost daily. As I tended the flowers, I took a few pictures to share.

 This is a native bee balm that David found in the woods and brought home. Most gardens have the red variety because the hummingbirds love it. We found they also are fond of this one as well. I like the lavender blue color, it looks cool even when the temperature is not.

This is one of my very favorite summer flowers. It is an old fashioned, double orange daylily. These were in mama's yard when I was little and they just make me happy.

Stokesia is another pass-along plant I love because it too is a lovely shade of cool blue.

I do so love phlox not just because they are so pretty but because they perfume the whole yard.
(I seem to be using the word love in connection with flowers a lot. I guess there aren't many I don't like.)

Ok, not a flower, but in a pot in my flower bed and they do begin with a tiny yellow flower.

I do not know the botanical names or the exact variety of the plants in my yard because most of them were given to me by friends and fellow gardeners or brought home by DH. That makes my yard all the more special to me. Each time they bloom, they remind me of a sweet friend or evoke a happy memory. I have often wondered when it comes time to downsize to a smaller place, however will I leave my plants? I guess I really do have a love affair with flowers.
Of course, if this hot, dry weather continues, and I have to drag a sprinkler around all summer, that opinion may change!

Monday, June 14, 2010


Is there anything better than fresh tomatoes from the garden with purple hull peas and cornbread?

Or jucy ripe blueberries?

David went berry picking at the blueberry farm on friday. These berries are so sweet and good.
We had some in pancakes for breakfast Sunday morning and I am planning to make a blueberry poundcake this week. This easy recipe was given to me by a friend over 20 years ago and it turns out delicious every time.

Blueberry Cream Cheese Cake

1 box butter recipe yellow cake mix
3 eggs
1/2 cup oil
1 (8oz) package cream cheese - softened
1 large can blueberries (about 1 cup large fresh berries)
Beat cream cheese until soft and creamy.
Add eggs and oil, mix well. 
Add cake mix and beat about 2 minutes on medium speed.
Batter will be thick. Gently fold in blueberries.
Pour into prepared bundt pan. Bake at 325 degrees for an hour or until done.

You can add a glaze to cake when it is done if you desire, but we like it just plain, with a cup of coffee.
 Mmmmm............I love summertime food.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tuesday, June 08, 2010


I can't help but wonder about the families who lived in this house. If walls could talk, I imagine there would be many stories to tell.

Alex Haley is the well known author of  "Roots" and I was reminded of that book as we took our drive to the country to see the sunflowers. It is one of my favorite places to wander.......
 I grew up the daughter of a cotton & soybean farmer and a drive down a country road takes me back to a comfortable and familiar time and place, back to my "roots".
I can't explain the feeling of connectedness, if there is such a word, that I get anytime I find myself in farm country. It is a kinship I feel in my heart and soul, something familiar in the neat rows of corn and cotton and the tidy homes and yards that house the families who farm this land.
Rows of corn standing straight and tall like sentinels. The ears filling out and the tassels just beginning to turn.

Fields of cotton with the heat of the afternoon shimmering in the distance.

Fragrant bales of  hay, rolled and ready for use.

Thistles, mostly disliked, but I find these beautiful. (maybe because this is not my field)

Growing up on a farm meant hard work for everyone, but I wouldn't change my "roots" for anything. I have wonderful memories of my childhood on that Arkansas farm with my parents and sisters. Those "roots" run deep, anchoring me still, even 60 years later.................... 

Sunday, June 06, 2010


I see you there in glory shining bright,
Following the sun and its path of light.
Standing tall above all others in the field,
You grow, conquer, and do not yield.

The little birds take great delight
 In playing round you, from day to night.
With your petals of yellow and leaves of green,
 How very easily you are seen.

But, there is more to you than first sight,
More than beauty and grandeur to delight.
Every beautiful aspect that appears,
Gives praise to the Father dear.

He made you a part of creation
And you praise him in glorious celebration!
The beauty that within you is expresssed,
Gives testimony to His greatness.

Sunflower, how I long to be like you!
Glorifying God in all I do.
Following the Son and His path of light,
 To worship Him in His glory shining bright.

I can learn from you my friend,
With every breath, praise to God I might send.
With all of His creation telling the story,
Might I, with you, proclaim His glory.

Poem by Katherine R. Lane

The Sunflower Trail, June 2010

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.
It's what sunflowers do".  Helen Keller

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

~ JUNE ~

June has arrived!

June is many things, but never is it boring. Here on Cypress Knee Swamp, there is always a "critter" somewhere to observe. This is one of many turtles who attempt to raise a family here on the lake. They come up close to the house to dig a hole and lay their eggs (in the yard, in the flower bed, in the driveway). I am not sure why, maybe they feel it is safer away from the water. This mother-to-be was at my back door a few days ago. While she was pondering the best spot to lay, a raccoon comes from the island behind our house looking for her. You see, there is nothing a raccoon likes better than turtle eggs. I shooed him away, but mother turtle decided my back porch was not the best spot after all and moved on. We find lots of turtle nests that have been "raided" and I wonder how they manage to raise a family. But as there is no shortage of turtles, some must be hatching somewhere. 

Nature is always interesting!