Friday, June 25, 2010

~ Summer Sky ~

I love the summer sky on days that afternoon "thunderheads" form.
It all begins with puffy white clouds that turn gray with rain if we are fortunate.

How gorgeous is this blue?

We have had little afternoon showers the past couple of days. They are most welcome and refreshing after a week of 100 degree days!


  1. Beautiful sky photos, Carolyn!

    Happy Weekend!

  2. How gorgeous!! I am so glad we were taught to look up!!!
    love ya

  3. Loved your photos of the sky. I just found your blog and thought it so beautiful. Your post of summer blooms, those daylilies, I have some of those that came from my great grandmothers garden. They multiply like crazy and I plan to pass some of them along to my grown kidlets.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    Carolyn/N FL

  4. Beautiful cloud pictures, Carolyn! I, too, have been noticing the fluffy white "thunderheads" gathering in the afternoons, against the brilliant blue background. You captured them beautifully.

    I enjoyed seeing your flowers, too ... especially the "Stokesia." Blue flowers look so cool during the hot summer months.
